The Duality of Comfort: A Buddhist Priest’s Guide to Finding Ease in Daily Life

Raffaello Palandri
4 min read2 days ago

As a BUDDHIST PRIEST, I am often asked about the pursuit of comfort. Isn’t achieving a state of ease the very purpose of following the Eightfold Path? While the path undeniably leads to a sense of inner peace, I believe the idea of comfort itself deserves a deeper examination.

On the one hand, comfort is a fundamental human need. Discomfort, both physical and mental, can be a significant barrier to living a fulfilling life. On the other hand, clinging too tightly to comfort can hinder growth.



Raffaello Palandri

Holistic Coach & Consultant. Buddhist Priest. MMQG Founder. Knowledge, Esoterism. Meditation, QiGong, Tantra, Yoga. Photography, linguistics, neuroscience.