A Lifelong Routine for Optimal Holistic Well-Being

Raffaello Palandri
5 min read2 days ago

For many, the question about wake and sleep routines is met with a shrug and a mumbled “whenever I feel like it“. But for me, this question has a surprisingly specific answer: 4:00 am wake up, lights out by 10:00 pm, and this has been my routine since I was 14 years old.

Photo by Moose Photos on Pexels.com

You might be surprised at such an unconventional schedule, but I carefully and committedly created it as it allows me to fit my holistic well-being needs and prioritize my learning and growth purposes in a way that simply wouldn’t be possible otherwise.

Those pre-dawn hours offer a quiet solitude perfect for reading, learning, and practising the holistic exercises that keep me feeling centred: MMQG, Tai Chi Chuan, Yoga, or Internal Martial Arts take turns filling my mornings with mindful movement. In the morning and before sleeping I also practice meditation, to clear my mind and allow me to get ready for the next step, be it starting or ending my day.

I read at least 2 hours in the morning and often I add more time during the day. This helps me to grow by learning new things, growing my knowledge, and raising my wisdom so that I can better help others.

I created this routine when I was 14 and I have improved it during these years, almost never skipping it, at least in the part about reading.



Raffaello Palandri

Holistic Coach & Consultant. Buddhist Priest. MMQG Founder. Knowledge, Esoterism. Meditation, QiGong, Tantra, Yoga. Photography, linguistics, neuroscience.